Photo by Nicole De Khors
The summer solstice is said to mark the beginning of summer in some areas, while other parts of the world call it “midsummer.” The summer solstice usually falls between June 20 and June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs between December 20 and December 22
Like other seasonal changes the summer solstice is opportunity to let go of the old and make space for the new. The energy of the summer is one of expansion. You will want to focus on releasing things that keep you from being the greatest expression of your higher self. We want to focus on rituals that allow you to release past hurts.
Here are 3 rituals to help you tap into the energy of the solstice:
The beginning of summer represents a time for purification, renewal and healing of the self & soul, a time to release the sadness, fears and pains from your life. A time for purification and renewed energy.
In your journal reflect on the following questions and write down your responses.
What are you full of? What are you fertile with? What is in abundance to you currently? What can you harvest?
What is it that you need to let go? What hasn’t served you over the past few months? What direction do you want to go in the coming months and what do you need to shed to make the journey easier?
Create an affirmation(s) that you will recite daily for the next 21 days that align with what your journal.
I Choose Love
During this time your heart physically and emotionally is opened for healing and. Do the following bath and meditation to bring more love into your life.
Photo by Nicole De Khors
Akoma Bath Ritual
2 pieces rose quartz
the petals from one red rose
a pink candle
1 tsp Vanilla extract
3 drops of lavender essential oil
6 drops of jasmine essential oil
Fill your bathtub with water. Add your rose quartz, rose petals, vanilla and essential oil. Before you get in the bath light your candle.
Soak for twenty minutes and feel the love all around you. Think about how you love yourself and how you attract more love in your life with the things you do and the people around you.
1 piece rose quartz (should fit in the palm of your hand)
Hold your rose quartz in your dominant hand. Breathe in and out deeply seven times. Affirm out loud, “I choose love.” Lie down on your yoga mat, or bed, and set a timer for 15 minutes. Place your rose quartz over your heart and just breathe. When the timer rings, repeat the affirmation three times, “I choose love.”
Want to do deeper rituals for the Summer Solstice? Join our Summer Reset.