
Moon Salutations: Chandra Namaskar
Like Sun Salutations there are many variations of the Moon Salutation sequence. The following sequence is primarily a back bending salutation.
Moon Salutations: Chandra Namaskar
Like Sun Salutations there are many variations of the Moon Salutation sequence. The following sequence is primarily a back bending salutation.

Yoga Pose of the Week: Lizard Pose
Yoga Pose of the Week: Lizard Pose Sanskrit: Utthan Pristhasana (OOT-ahn preesth- AHS – anna)Utthan: stretch outPristha: page of the book; back of the bodyAsana: poseStep-by-step:From Downward Facing Dog Pose,...
Yoga Pose of the Week: Lizard Pose
Yoga Pose of the Week: Lizard Pose Sanskrit: Utthan Pristhasana (OOT-ahn preesth- AHS – anna)Utthan: stretch outPristha: page of the book; back of the bodyAsana: poseStep-by-step:From Downward Facing Dog Pose,...

Seat Yoga Flow
This is an 8-minute slow seated yoga flow. This yoga practice is for all levels, beginners and advanced. It is a short simple yoga practice to help you reset to...
Seat Yoga Flow
This is an 8-minute slow seated yoga flow. This yoga practice is for all levels, beginners and advanced. It is a short simple yoga practice to help you reset to...

Yoga Pose of the Week: Legs up the wall (Vipari...
Legs Up the Wall Pose is calming and relaxing It improves circulation and can help reduce swelling lower extremities by redirecting lymph and other fluids from your ankles, knees, and pelvic organs...
Yoga Pose of the Week: Legs up the wall (Vipari...
Legs Up the Wall Pose is calming and relaxing It improves circulation and can help reduce swelling lower extremities by redirecting lymph and other fluids from your ankles, knees, and pelvic organs...

Yoga Poses to Calm Your Body and Mind
Here is a short yoga sequence that can help you calm your body and mind.
Yoga Poses to Calm Your Body and Mind
Here is a short yoga sequence that can help you calm your body and mind.

Yoga Pose of the Week: Sukhasana
Easy Seat Pose (Sukhasana) Easy seat also known as easy is an alternative for lotus pose.
Yoga Pose of the Week: Sukhasana
Easy Seat Pose (Sukhasana) Easy seat also known as easy is an alternative for lotus pose.